FEBRUARY 15 (SAT) | FAC FOOD PANTRY DISTRIBUTION 1PM to 3PM The Pantry is always looking for people to serve in this ministry FEBRUARY 16 (SUN) | POTLUCK MEAL @ 12PM Bring your favorite entree, side, or dessert MARCH 4 (TUE) | IN-PERSON BIBLE STUDY BEGINS 6:30PM TO 8PM Contact Tina Pembroke for more details MARCH 7 (FRI) | WOMEN'S BREAKFAST & STUDY @ 8AM Contact Tina Pembroke for more details APRIL 20 (SUN) | EASTER SUNDAY BREAKFAST & SERVICE @ 9AM Service to begin at 10:30am MAY 11 (SUN) | MOTHER'S DAY SERVICE @ 10:30AM Resource Center Baby Bottle Drive begins JUNE 15 (SUN) | FATHER'S DAY (NO SERVICE AT FAC) Join us for Cowboy church at the Grover Rodeo grounds @ 11am TUESDAY, JUNE 17 TO THURSDAY, JUNE 19 | VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL 8:30AM TO 11:30PM JUNE 19 (THURS) | VBS OPEN HOUSE @ 7PM AUGUST 24 (SUN) | PRAISE IN THE PARK SERVICE @ 10:30AM BBQ, Baptisms, Water games, Bouncy house, Horseshoes, and more OCTOBER 12 (SUN) | OPERATION CHRISTMAS CHILD KICKOFF @ 10:30AM OCTOBER 31 (FRI) | LIGHT THE NIGHT 5PM TO 8PM NOVEMBER 23 (SUN) | COMMUNITY THANKSGIVING MEAL @ 12PM NOVEMBER 30 (SUN) | ADVENT BEGINS DECEMBER 21 (SUN) | CHRISTMAS PROGRAM @ 10:30AM DECEMBER 24 (WED) | CHRISTMAS EVE CANDLELIGHT SERVICE @ 5PM JANUARY 18, 2026 | VISION SUNDAY & ANNUAL MEETING @ 10:30AM * OTHER CLASSES AND SPECIAL EVENTS TO BE DETERMINED AND ANNOUNCED* |
SUNDAY @ FAChurch and ONLINE SUNDAY MORNING SERVICE 10.30AM-11:45AM @ FAChurch theNEXT: CHILDREN'S CHURCH (Pre-K to 5th Grade) 11:00AM (After worship songs) MONTHLY POTLUCK MEAL Every Third Sunday of the Month 12PM MONDAY @ FAChurch MONTHLY GOVERNING BOARD MEETING Every Second Monday of the Month 6PM TUESDAY @ FAChurch IN-PERSON BIBLE STUDY 6:30PM-8PM September to May WEDNESDAY @ FAChurch theNEXT: KIDS CHURCH (Grades Pre-K to 4th) 4PM-5:10PM Held during the regular school year. @ Pawnee School J SQUAD (Grades 5th-8th) 4PM-5:15PM Held during the regular school year. theGROVE (Grades 9th-12th) 6:30PM-7:30PM Held during the regular school year. FRIDAY @ FAChurch WOMEN'S BREAKFAST AND STUDY Every First Friday of the Month 8AM October to May SATURDAY @ FAC Food Pantry Building (next to FAChurch) MONTHLY FOOD DISTRIBUTION Every Third Saturday of the Month 1PM-3PM |